“You are your own best healer.”
About Amberleigh
Amberleigh Carter, founder and owner of Kinection Holistic Health, works with a client’s beliefs to create a change in the physical body and physical world around them. In essence, these changes improve their overall health & lifestyle.
She is a Doctor of Metaphysics, a Board Certified Alternative Medical Practitioner, and a Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner through the AADP. She is a former scientific researcher and Director of an Alzheimer’s and Dementia unit at a world-renowned research institute, studying the effects created by the mind on the body and the body on the mind. As a doctoral candidate, she studied the physical nature of a thought and the structure of beliefs, identifying which aspects of that structure would cause the most profound physical changes, and translated that into how that creates physical effects in a person’s DNA, health, relationships, and physical reality. This knowledge, experience, and philosophy serve as the foundation of her practice.
What is A Session Like & How Does it Work?
Sessions are conducted over the phone and notetaking is highly encouraged. A session feels like chatting on the phone with a friend, but the conversation is creating physical changes, both in the moment and after the session. Amberleigh will work with your health history, current symptoms, blood work chemistry, genetic testing, and current lifestyle to determine the best course of action. In addition, Amberleigh has a unique intuitive insight that helps to target the exact root, plus, she has a deep understanding of metaphysics, allowing her to connect all of the contributing factors together into one big picture, setting you up for success you have yet to find anywhere else.
This strategy and skillset is largely rooted in the physics and science of what drives our physical bodies and physical world, which is energy. This science is known as metaphysics, as it goes “beyond the physics”. Simply put, metaphysics is looking at the fundamental nature of our physical world. Similar to Wifi or Bluetooth, a technology where you can’t hear, see, taste, touch, or smell it, it’s the intangible waves of energy carrying information that create a physical impact. These waves form our physical world and our physical bodies. From this rudimentary level, you can make changes. And these changes create a ripple effect up to the physical level that you can then see and/or experience.
Things that are measured in waves are brain waves (thoughts) and heart rate (emotions). The combination of thoughts and emotions produce beliefs. The waves of information involved in a belief is highly impactful for one’s physical world, because that particular wave of energy is amplified. In Amberleigh’s doctoral research, she found that the amplification and clarity of intention created the most powerful physical changes. For example, DNA can be measured in waves of information that wind (tighten) and unwind (loosening), that can either hide or unlock specific genes that inform the physical body for how to function correctly (i.e., MTHFR, COMT, VDR, and other genetic predispositions), and the emotions and beliefs of a person can cause the DNA to wind or unwind and replicate throughout the day. This largely affects how vitamins, minerals, nutrients, food, and your environment get processed in your body. This, therefore, affects your mood, your thoughts, your functioning…and your relationships, your behaviors, your choices…and your reality. These things also get passed down from generation to generation, which is why it’s very common to see patterns of behavior and similar health outcomes passed down from our parents, grandparents, etc. This can result in how you handle blood sugar, how much cholesterol you produce, your hormones, your weight, how well you detox and clear toxins and heavy metals, if you get your feelings hurt easily, if you tend to feel overwhelmed or worried, if you’re sensitive or more empathic or intuitive, if you are an overachiever or OCD, if you’re prone to depression or ADHD, if you have an excess of ammonia in your blood (commonly mistaken as bi-polar), and so much more (especially nuanced issues, like feeling more insecure, etc.). Through analyzing blood work (optional), genetic testing (optional), and working with beliefs and how to change them, this can change what information gets processed through the body and how an individual functions, feels, and relates to the world.
Health (all health issues: gut, hormonal, mood, mental, liver, skin, endocrine, etc.)
Relationships (especially repeated patterns: dating the same type of person, attracting the same types of dysfunction, contemplating divorce, wanting to improve, etc.)
Mental Health
Amberleigh holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Exercise Science with a double minor in Neuroscience and Psychology from Elon University. She took her fascination of the mind-body connection to a world-renowned research institute, where she developed exercise research protocols, administered cognitive exams, and created & directed the institute's entire wellness program for the Alzheimer's and Dementia Research and Prevention unit. After some time in the research world, Amberleigh expanded her horizons in helping people by opening her own health practice in 2013.
Understanding that people needed much more than a "one size fits all" program for creating health, Amberleigh stepped outside of her allopathic comfort zone and turned towards eastern philosophies that were heavily rooted in metaphysics. She earned an additional bachelor’s degree: a Bachelor of Metaphysics, and a Master of Metaphysics degree and a Doctorate of Metaphysics degree from the University of Metaphysical Sciences. She also received her Ministerial Ordination through her master's program (yes, she is a Reverend and can officiate weddings). As well, Amberleigh is a board certified Alternative Medical Practitioner and Holistic Health Practitioner through the American Association of Drugless Practitioners.
Her educational history includes certifications as an Exercise Physiologist through the American College of Sports Medicine, Corrective Holistic Exercise Kinesiologist through the CHEK Institute, and additional certifications in Food Science & Cellular Nourishment through EastWest Healing and Performance and Dr. Ray Peat, Reconnective Healing, Matrix Energetics, Master Energy Dynamics, Master Harmonic Resonance Technology, Psycho Emotional Energetics through the Institute for Harmonic Resonance Technology, Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis courses by Dr. Bryan Walsh, Genetic Optimization courses by Dr. Tyler Panzner, and more.
Amberleigh's proficiencies range from blood chemistry analysis, genetics, sound therapy, vibrational medicine, herbal medicine, whole food supplementation, general supplementation, meditation, holistic lifestyle coaching, muscle energy techniques, and many other works from both western & eastern influences, that she has grounded into simple and applicable methods to help her clients experience the best results.